Discovery of a novel drug candidate to develop effective treatments for brain disorders

Researchers at IIT-Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia discovered a novel chemical compound, which has the potential to became a new drug for the treatment of core symptoms of brain disorders like Down syndrome and autism.

Study of genetic condition leads to discovery of mechanism that promotes the formation of renal cysts and tumours, thanks to the support of Telethon and AIRC

At the Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (Tigem) in Pozzuoli, the team led by Andrea Ballabio has described in Nature* how the study of a rare genetic condition has provided the key to understanding a mechanism that leads to the formation of cysts and tumours in certain organs, in particular the kidneys. Supported by Fondazione Telethon, Fondazione AIRC for cancer research and Regione Campania, the study included the participation the European Institute of Oncology (IEO) and the Institute of Cell Biology at the University of Innsbruck